SAND Geophysics announce the opening our new office and partnership with AQASS Ltd

We are pleased to announce the opening of our new office. This space will be dedicated to processing and interpretation following our recent expansion of personnel and substantial growth in business. Our new office is set up to process and interpret multi-discipline datasets including high-resolution seismics, sidescan sonar and magnetometer data.  The space will be shared with our new partners AQASS Ltd. AQASS Ltd is a micro SME consultancy & research team with academic, commercial and conservation backgrounds and over 40 years’ combined international experience in the water sector. Working in marine to estuarine and riverine systems, we have experience in ecological and physical environments allowing a rounded consideration of habitat and species assets and human effects upon them, including risks and opportunities and the management of water resources and stakeholder engagement. For marine offshore, coastal and estuarine systems AQASS has expertise in managing and considering environmental / ecological aspects and has specific interests in habitat and species management, marine pollution, habitat restoration, structure decommissioning, biofouling and non-native species management. We combine our skills with geospatial assessment of options to enhance systems that have been impacted by humans. We have a research led approach aiming to achieve ecological / environmental restoration and improvement through the precautionary principle. AQASS has international experience in scientific research to support policy documents, due diligence and project oversight, managing field surveys and subsequent spatial and statistical data analysis. We supply a high level advisory service for Government and multinational bodies, the corporate sector and the conservation / charity field. AQASS provides sound guidance to project, habitat and data managers, aspiring to operate at global to local levels. Our goal is to achieve pragmatic conservation minded management of aquatic systems and water resources backed by research knowledge and data collection.


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